- 来源:NGA论坛
- 作者:未知
- 编辑:月色如画
− 文官阿得赖斯提斯 Polemarch Adrestes ...
To $p, You must warn me before opening your letters with amusing anecdotes. I nearly cracked a smile in front of the other polemarches. That said, you are correct. It was quite entertaining when Theotar did that... thing at the Ember Court. You have some wild friends, $p. I am glad to count myself among them. By the grace of the Archon, Polemarch Adrestes
(There is a small disclaimer stamped at the bottom of the letter.) This letter is and all of its contents are the sole property of the Archon.
致$p, 下次在信里分享如此有趣的奇闻时,请事先提醒我。我差点就在其他文官面前笑开了花。 但你说得没错,西塔尔在灰烬王庭做……那件事的时候,确实让我很愉悦。你真是有不少了不起的朋友啊,$p。 我也很荣幸能成为其中的一员。
愿执政官的恩典照耀你, 文官阿得赖斯提斯
To $p, Thank you for obtaining permission from General Draven to send me a thorough copy of the Stone Legion's military regulations and procedures. It was both an enlightening and rewarding book to read during my off-duty hours. I look forward to discussing it further with the general and the other military leaders at your next Ember Court. Until then, Polemarch Adrestes
(There is a small disclaimer stamped at the bottom of the letter.) This letter is and all of its contents are the sole property of the Archon.
致$p, 谢谢你获得了德莱文将军的许可,为我送来了顽石军团的军规和章程副本。 这既能对我有所启发,也很适合在闲暇时间里阅读。 我很期待在下一次灰烬王庭上与将军和其他军队指挥官探讨。
愿我们早日相会, 文官阿得赖斯提斯
To $p, Thank you for your letter. I sat on the edge of Hero's Rest, overlooking Purity's Pinnacle in the distance, as I read it. It was a valuable reminder of the victories we are winning across all of the Shadowlands. We will restore things to their proper order--even here, as the Forsworn assault our temples and attempt to sabotage us from within. We will prevail. We must. In honor, Polemarch Adrestes
(There is a small disclaimer stamped at the bottom of the letter.) This letter is and all of its contents are the sole property of the Archon.
致$p, 感谢你的来信。读你的信时,我正坐在英雄之眠,俯瞰着远方的纯洁之巅。 这让我们回想起了在暗影界各地赢得的光辉胜利。 在这里,弃誓者还在袭击我们的神庙,尝试从内部颠覆我们。但我们终将让万物恢复秩序。 我们将会胜利,也必须胜利。
心怀荣耀, 文官阿得赖斯提斯
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